Monday, November 4, 2013

"The Siege of Sarpay." The link to the book.

Welcome to my Blog. (Notice I capitalized the “B” in Blog; you’ll find that I capitalize most four-letter “B” words. Read on and you will soon know why.)
This is my first post. Of course, if you know anything about blogs, you know that already by the lack of previous posts. Enough humor, down to business…

The reason I started this blog in the first place was to “network” with my future fans and friends. (Though I think the two should be one in the same, don’t you?) After all, fans are just friends that know more about you than you do about them.

I have published my first book. It’s a fantasy adventure. I have full intentions of writing in at least eight other genres, namely: Western, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Comedy, Steampunk, Romance, Adventure, and last but certainly not least, Historical Fiction. I already have book(s) started in each of those Genres, and I might even post excerpts someday if the fancy takes me...

The title of my Epic Fantasy Adventure is, “A Siege Novel: The Siege of Sarpay”. It’s the first Installment of “The Siege Trilogy.”
There are Bards, Knights, Battles, Songs, Obviously Sieges, and much more to offer in the pages of this book. Personally, even after all my read-throughs, I still laugh at certain parts. It isn’t a comedy, but I’m certain it will make you laugh as well.
As a special treat to all those who have traveled the winding path to my Blog, I will post an excerpt or two at the end of this post. For the full description, jump over to Createspace. Oh and when you’re done reading the description, do me a favor; get a copy;)
Excerpt: Page 220. 
     The two Typoq that remained were still terrified to be trapped in the same room as Quintane, not aware of whom he was but fully aware of what he was up to at the moment.
     Quintane watched motionlessly, it wouldn’t do to try and chase those two around the room, he didn’t even question if they could run faster scared, than he could, angry. The door shook violently on its hinges, the light was dimming in the window, Quintane guessed that both the day, and the stand at Sarpay; were drawing to a close.
With that my little introduction to you, my 'first' readers, also draws to a close. Until we meet again in the bluish glow of your computer's monitor, farewell.
Here is a direct link to the book:
For the full size preview of the awesome cover art, or to get a poster of it; here’s a link to the genius behind the work:
Feel free to comment, ask questions, or give feedback. However, if you would rather say something directly to me, completely private; email me at 
I don't bite, not even digitally... :) 

Have a Nice Day!



  1. Hey Mr. Jarvis,
    Your email is not working. It says it isnt hooked up properly.
    Just thought I would let you know.:)

    1. Hi Gwen, and Welcome to my Blog!
      Thank you very much for letting me know, you’re already part of this Blog!
      That is terribly interesting though… When I hooked up this Blog I tested every link. All my test emails made it to me intact. May I ask which link you used?
      In case I personally made contact with you and have forgotten your name, I apologize.


    2. It says the default mail client isnt properly installed. Would that be me? I dont understand what you mean by link.:/

    3. Hi Gwen,

      It just means that your email isn't hooked up to your web browser. No problem, copy and pasting is better anyway.

      Links are the blue text underlined things you can click on.
